Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Introductions Are In Order

Looks like I finally decided on a place to hold and show my game design work. A little bit of backstory on me is in order. I've just graduated from Full Sail University with my Bachelors of Science in Game Design. Over the course of the last three years I've developed game concepts, written some world creation stories, created game levels, and a few full blown games.

Let's start this out with a video of my final project for school, this was a project that myself and two others worked on for the last three months of school, the project went through several different iterations and several different play styles before being completed. When we first started the project it we had in mind a Contra style side-scroller with some more vertical elements to it. We wanted to include mechanics like a grappling hook for players to use to traverse the environments however as the project progress we decided to change direction with it and create something more similar to Jetpack Joyride where the player would need to be contiguously on the move and speed would be increased as they progressed.

Due to the nature of the game changing there were weapons and ideas that hit the cutting room floor so the beginning of the video shows some tools and weapons that were not included in the final version of our game and the video is shot with "God Mode" on to show off some of the level design of the game. Later on I'll up load a play through and download link for you to experience the game first hand for yourself. Until then enjoy!

I should take a moment to note here that the commentary during the video was aimed at students coming into their final project so they would know what to expect and what to focus on before their final three months.

CobaltDesigns FinalPresentation from Jason Rowell on Vimeo.
A link to the full game can be found Here.